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What is Research Integrity?

Science and the humanities are founded on integrity. It is one of the key principles of good scientific practice and therefore of every piece of research.


Image Credit: ESA/NASA/Roscomos

 ... Only science performed with integrity can ultimately be productive science and lead to new knowledge. [A] lack of integrity can represent a threat to science, destroying the confidence of researchers in each other and that of the public in science [...]." (Proposals for Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice of the German Research Foundation (DFG), p.64)

Since August 2019 the DFG's new “Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice” aim to establish a culture of research integrity based on the professional ethics of researchers rather than cases of scientific misconduct. Dahlem Research School contributes to that aim by offering regular courses on various aspects of research integrity in cooperation with Humboldt Graduate School and Potsdam Graduate School. Furthermore, Dahlem Research School organizes an annual Day of Research Integrity to strengthen such professional ethics at the very beginning of research careers.

Statute of Freie Universität Berlin

On 4 December 2020, the Statue for Safeguarding Good Scienctific Practice of Freie Universität Berlin replaced the previous Code of Honor and established binding guidelines for safeguarding good scientific practice. You may contact the ombudspersons at the departments of Freie Universität with questions or in cases of conflict.

All doctoral researchers in member programs of Dahlem Research School also commit themselves to adhering to the rules of good scientific practice and each DRS program has an ombudsperson who is the contact person for doctoral students and mediates in cases of conflict.

Further Reading

The European Network for Academic Integrity (ENAI) offers extensive information and a Glossary for Academic Integrity (pdf).