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Research Integrity News & Events

Workshop: Textgenerierende künstliche Intelligenz und gute wissenschaftliche Praxis

2. Juli 2024, 14–15.30 Uhr, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin

Jun 28, 2024

Publication: Who "owns" research data? / Wem "gehören" Forschungsdaten?

New publication outlines various legal positions.

May 30, 2024

BUA-Events Advancing Research Quality and Value Sommer 2024

Current developments in the BUA OpenX initiative (in German), online-talk, 29. Mai 2024 | 14:00-15:30 hrs

May 23, 2024

Upcoming workshops and training by FU Library and Research Data Management Teams

May and June 2024, trainings in English or German

May 16, 2024

CEDIS Workshopreihe D4T4 L1T3R4CY Sommer 2024

Textuelle Daten explorieren, analysieren & visualisieren, Mai - Juli 2024 (in German)

May 16, 2024

Research Integrity Workshops and Events Summer 2024

Aktuelle Entwicklungen in der BUA-OpenX-Initiative, BUA Online-Colloquium Advancing Research Quality and Value, 29.05.2024, 14:00-15:30  |  Workshop Forschungsdaten - Publikationen zwischen Dynamik und Persistenz, Präsenz, 28.06.2024,tba

May 14, 2024

Life Sciences: Methods training at Berlin Institute of Health (BIH), Journal Club for Diversity and Responsible Research and Innovation (DRIVERS)

BIH QUEST Reproducible Research with R , Wednesdays 1.05., 28.05., 19.06. &, 02.07.2024, in presence | BIH QUEST Introduction to Systemic Review & Meta-Analysis of Animal Studies , 27th - 29th May 2024,  online | BIH QUEST online Journal Club for Diversity and Responsible Research and Innovation (DRIVERS), jeder erste Montag im Monat, 11 Uhr

May 14, 2024

Student Network for Open Science

Summer term kick-off meeting on April 21, 2024, 3 pm

Apr 18, 2024

The Berlin University Alliance is looking for motivated Open Science Ambassadors!

Are you an Open Science enthusiast who wants to help their colleagues to implement Open Science practices into their research routine? Do you want to organize events with speakers that inspire you and your colleagues? Get involved and become an Open Science Ambassador at your faculty!

Apr 15, 2024

BUA-Events Advancing Research Quality and Value Frühjahr 2024

Research Integrity in Practice, online-talk, 27. March 2024 | 14:00-15:30 hrs |  Project "Nanobubbles" - correcting the scientific record, online-talk, 28. Febr. 2024, 14:00-15:30 hrs

Feb 23, 2024

Life Sciences: Methods training at Berlin Institute of Health (BIH) and Einstein Center 3R (EC3R)

BIH QUEST ReproducibiliTeach online class , Wednesdays 21.02.24 – 20.03.24, 16:00 to 17:30 hrs | BIH Love Methods Week , in person and online training, 29.01.-02.02.2024 | BIH Webinar series Meta-Research Winter 2024, Mondays 15.01.-26.02.2024 | EC3R webinars and virtual demonstrations: Experimental Design, 3R Issues , various offers

Feb 14, 2024

Love Data Week 2024: Offers of University Library at Freie Universität Berlin

Aktionswoche vom 12. bis 16.02. mit Angeboten und Veranstaltungen zum Forschungsdatenmanagement (partly in English)

Jan 30, 2024

BUA-Events Advancing Research Quality and Value in the new year 2024

Talk „Evaluative cultures as tools for research change or undesired control?“  8. Januar 2024 | Workshop "Open Science und Forschungsqualität – so what? Kernideen, Techniken und Beispiele zum Mitmachen" 23. Januar 2024 (in German) | Virtuelle Podiumsdiskussion "Offene Infrastrukturen für Open Science"   19. Februar 2024 (in German) 

Jan 04, 2024

Good Scientific Practice Week 2023 at Freie Universität

Good Scientific Practice Week (predominantly in German) 13.11. - 17.11.2023 | events, workshops and information offers | campus.leben-Artikel (German only) | Veranstaltungsbeiträge online (German only)

Nov 16, 2023

Annual Reports on Good Scientific Practice 2022

Annual Report of Coordination Office for Research Integrity at Freie Universität Berlin | Annual Report of Ombudsman für die Wissenschaft

Nov 08, 2023

Berlin Science Week 2023 - Good Scientific Practice events

03.11.2023: Machmissbrauch im wissenschaftlichen Bereich | 09.11.2023: CHATGPT & CO - Künstliche Intelligenz im Schreibprozess (German only)

Oct 05, 2023