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SOUTH KOREA: Hankuk University of Foreign Studies

HUFS Seoul Gate

HUFS Seoul Gate
Image Credit: Hankuk University of Foreign Studies

"Hankuk University of Foreign Studies is the birthplace of foreign language education in Korea and teaches 45 languages of Asia, the Middle East and other major regions of the world. HUFS graduates now play vital roles in international trade and diplomatic affairs. In addition to its focus on the theory and practice of foreign languages, HUFS also encourages students to use the language skills that they have acquired to study the politics, economy, society and culture of each region of the world." (About HUFS)

Get a first virtual impression and find out more about Hankuk University of Foreign Studies:


International Student Guidebook

HUFS Brochure (PDF)

Students can apply for a direct exchange with HUFS. Click here for further information.