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ITALY: Sapienza University of Rome

"With over 700 years of history, more than 115,000 total students, 3,300 professors, 2,200 officials, technicians and librarians in addition to 1,600 employees in its university hospitals, Sapienza is the largest University in Europe. Its mission is to contribute to the development of the knowledge society through research, excellence, quality education, and international cooperation. The most influential university rankings worldwide place Sapienza among the first Italian Universities for its research, educational quality, and international dimension. In the rankings for individual subjects, our University is a reference point for many disciplines." (About Sapienza University of Rome)

Get a first virtual impression and find out more about Sapienza University of Rome:


Website for Exchange Students

Welcome Week Sapienza

International Student Guide (PDF)

Factsheet and Application Procedure 2021/22 (PDF)

Sapienza at a Glance (Youtube)

Sapienza on Facebook and Instagram

Students can also get general information on studying abroad and ERASMUS+ in particular.