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AUSTRIA: Veterinärmedizinische Unviersität Wien

Vetmeduni Vienna

Vetmeduni Vienna
Image Credit: Thomas Suchanek / Vetmeduni Vienna

"The University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna is the only academic educational and research institution in Austria that focuses on the veterinary sciences, and at the same time the oldest such institution in the German-speaking world (founded 1765 by the Empress Maria Theresia)." (About Vetmeduni Vienna)

Get a first virtual impression and find out more about Vetmeduni Vienna:


General Information Brochure (PDF)

Student Life Cycle at Vetmeduni Vienna (Youtube)

Vier Jahreszeiten am Campus der Vetmeduni Vienna (Youtube)

The webpage of Vetmeduni Vienna is currently under construction. You can find further information for incoming exchange students as well as contact details of the International Relations Unit here.

Students can also get general information on studying abroad and ERASMUS+ in particular.