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Digital Communication

The Digital Communication team is responsible for designing and maintaining Freie Universität’s online and social media presence, both in terms of its content and its conformity with legal and data protection regulations. We provide Freie Universität institutions and divisions with advice and support on all aspects surrounding professional online communication and marketing, whether these are aimed at an internal or external audience.

We can support you with the following:

  • Creating and designing websites in CMS, social media, and other digital channels
  • Digital accessibility
  • Allocating domains and short addresses
  • Planning and designing newsletters
  • Analyzing and evaluating communication activities


Digital Communication team
Freie Universität Berlin
Kaiserswerther Str. 16-18
14195 Berlin

Please direct any inquiries concerning the main university website www.fu-berlin.de to webteam@fu-berlin.de

Stephan Töpper

Digital Communication team leader, main online presence, domains, digital accessibility, social media channels

+49 30 838 731 94

Stephan Töpper