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Sustainability Teams

Sustainability teams initiate optimization measures within the departments and implement concrete sustainability projects.

Sustainability team of the Department of Veterinary Medicine

Sustainability team of the Department of Veterinary Medicine

The sustainability teams emerged from the environmental teams that were set up as part of the environmental management certification since 2004. Their main task was to accompany the certification process with ideas and proposals for action and to work directly on their implementation.

Since 2017, the environmental teams have been further developed into sustainability teams. Depending on the department, they are composed of five to 20 members from research, teaching, administration, operational management and students and are coordinated by the respective departmental administrations and the Sustainability & Energy Unit. The work of these teams, which total about 90 members university-wide, addresses an expanded range of sustainability issues. Thus, in addition to campus-related topics such as energy, water and waste, topics such as biodiversity, teaching, digitalization and environmental awareness are also addressed. With the teams, we want to promote internal dialog and understanding processes and bundle and integrate expert knowledge from the various levels and departments. The teams meet two to four times a year.

Are you interested in joining a team? Then please contact Hela Lange.

Sustain it! Initiative für Nachhaltigkeit + Klimaschutz
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