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Energy controlling and monitoring



Energy controlling and monitoring are crucial to successful university-wide energy management. These measures ensure reliable analyses and, consequently, the development of optimization strategies. To this end, developing an energy database and installing energy meters became critical in implementing the university’s energy management system. Since 2001, energy consumption data—as well as data on water and waste—on all university buildings has been collected and analyzed by the Unit for Sustainability and Energy Management. In order to better detect weak points and unlock the full potential efficiency, we are transferring our energy controlling to an online-based energy monitoring system step-by-step. Upgrading the meters in the university’s larger properties was tested in several buildings in 2009. Since 2014, these upgrades have been implemented across campus. At the moment, about 90% of buildings are integrated into the system. The online system is a crucial pillar of future campus management. Combining targeted teamwork and communications with operations and departments, the Unit for Sustainability and Energy Management is working to decrease energy usage by an additional 5% by 2022.

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