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Energy Efficiency Programs

Thermographic Representation of a Building

Thermographic Representation of a Building
Image Credit: Stabsstelle Nachhaltigkeit & Energie

The energetic modernization of the campus with over 220 buildings is an ongoing task, one that is integrated into the annual maintenance planning.

Between 2003 and 2011, we conducted special energy efficiency programs during which university buildings and sites were modernized, resulting in most buildings now being optimized in terms of energy efficiency. Complementing the focus on heating and ventilation systems was the targeted optimization of the building envelope, including the roof insulation and upper ceilings.

Through these measures—in conjunction with the Bonus Scheme for Energy Savings and energy monitoring—the average heat demand of the buildings decreased by 30%. Some buildings’ demand even decreased by 50-70%. Savings were especially high in cases in which the building envelope was being modernized at the same time.

Additional energy savings and climate protection measures are being continuously tested and implemented. The campus management working group of the sustainability steering committee set itself the goal of receiving at least the Silver Standard for new buildings according to the Assessment System for Sustainable Buildings for Federal Buildings (BNB) for future laboratory and office buildings. Concrete plans for new buildings include the Veterinary Center for Resistance Research within the Department of Veterinary Medicine, SupraFAB for research on supramolecular functional architecture in biological border areas, and a new scientific building for biodiversity planned together with the Leibniz Association, for which gold certification is the goal.

Sustain it! Initiative für Nachhaltigkeit + Klimaschutz
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