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The waste separation concept for printing

Trio-Abfallbehälter: Restmüll, Verpackung, Papier

Trio-Abfallbehälter: Restmüll, Verpackung, Papier


How often have you asked yourself whether paper towels can be recycled or how to dispose of coffee to-go cups properly?

We have tried to summarise in a concise form the most important tips for the correct separation of waste generated at the university everyday.
With this overview of the waste separation concept, you can make your own contribution to improving the quality of waste separation in just a few steps:

  1. make a colour printout in DIN A 3 or DIN A 4.
  2. laminate the printout if possible
  3. place it in your kitchenette or in the hallway close to the waste separation bins so that it is clearly visible

You can find the print template under this link.

You can also find detailed information and explanations for many other types of waste, from A for rechargeable batteries to Z for cigarette packets, in the Waste ABC.

If you have any suggestions or questions, please contact the Sustainability & Energy Management Unit, Special Disposal Team.
By the way: The cleaning companies are contractually obliged to execute waste separation. If you notice any misconduct here, please report it to Unit III D in the Technical Department by email to dienstleistung@zuv.fu-berlin.de.