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Learning Sustainability in the General Professional Skills Courses (ABV)

In the competence area Sustainable Development in the General Professional Skills Courses field of study are four different modules centered around the themes of Managing Sustainability, Researching Sustainability, Shaping Sustainability, and Communicating Sustainability. All modules address the 17 Sustainable Development Goals using the criteria of the ESD concept and combine theoretical and practical aspects. The goal is to teach employment and social skills to apply in their professional careers. Freie Universität Berlin introduced General Professional Skills Courses (ABV) and Teaching-Related Professional Courses (LBW) in the Winter Semester 2004/05, when the university system converted to one with Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees. In the Winter Semester 2018/19, the new competence area Sustainable Development in the General Professional Skills Courses was launched. The new courses offered to bachelor’s students were developed by the teaching working group of the Steering Committee Sustainability and are coordinated by the Unit for Sustainability and Energy Management.

Fo any questions please contact: abv@nachhaltigkeit.fu-berlin.de

Sustain it! Initiative für Nachhaltigkeit + Klimaschutz
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