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5 Projects for Teaching and Campus Design

The jury for this year selected five projects for funding from the applications submitted in January. These projects involve scientific and university support staff as well as students from the departments of Physics, Biology, Chemistry and Pharmacy, the Latin American Institute, the Research Center for Sustainability, and the libraries, along with collaborating partners.

Save the Date: On June 18, 2024, these project teams will present their interim results at the Seminar Center on the Dahlem Campus and look forward to your feedback for further development by the end of 2024. Details about this event will be published under FUturist.

We are looking forward to another year of FUturist.

If you are interested in implementing your own ideas, explore opportunities here.

Teaching and Learning Project FUturesLiteracy

Learning to Shape the Future Sustainably

Podcast Zukunftslaube

A podcast and dialogue format about sustainability at the Free University.

Project Firebugs

A educational and nature experience program for children

Green room dividers at the Geoscience Library Lankwitz

A planted room divider to enhance the learning environment at the Geoscience Library in Lankwitz

Tiny Forest

A small forest with a big impact

Sustain it! Initiative für Nachhaltigkeit + Klimaschutz
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