Evaluation: Voluntary commitment to refrain from short-haul flights
255 representatives from all areas of the university have signed the self-commitment to refrain from short-haul flights.
News from Nov 13, 2019
In August and September, representatives of the Scientists for Future at Berlin universities and in Potsdam called for the signing of a voluntary self-commitment to refrain from short-haul flights of less than 1000km. The results were presented on September 20 at the Brandenburg Gate on the global climate strike S4F. In the Berlin/Brandenburg region, 1728 scientists and science support staff had responded to the call.
At Freie Universität, 260 representatives from all departments and the university administration have so far signed the voluntary commitment to refrain from short-haul flights - we are pleased about your commitment! The Sustainability and Energy Unit is currently working on a comprehensive sustainability-oriented mobility strategy for Freie Universität Berlin. The topic of air travel will play a particularly important role. On the initiative of the Travel Expense Center, an AG Dienstlichbedingte Flugreisen was founded to address the topic across departments. We take the great interest in the self-obligation campaign as an incentive for the conception and implementation of the mobility strategy. We will also take into account the many comments and ideas we have received from you as part of the voluntary commitment. If you have any further questions, suggestions or examples, please feel free to send them to sustainability@fu-berlin.de. We will be happy to keep you informed on our website about the activities in this area.
The evaluation is based on the titles given in the Commitment. A separate comparison did not take place.