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Invitation to the interdisciplinary course “Physics and Chemistry of Sustainability – Renewable Energy”


Image Credit: Mariana Proença

Ready for an energetic journey into the world of sustainable energy? 🌍💡

News from Dec 15, 2023

The module "Physics and Chemistry of Sustainability – Renewable Energy" is the perfect starting point to expand your understanding of CO2-neutral energy sources and futuristic research!

The new interdisciplinary course, organized by Prof. Dr. Holger Dau (Physics) in collaboration with the Chemistry department, not only offers you the chance to broaden your knowledge of sustainable energy sources but also provides insights into current research areas such as solar energy utilization, electrical energy storage, and (electro)chemical energy conversion, which contribute to shaping a more environmentally friendly future.

The lectures will be conducted in English, covering a diverse range of topics listed in the course catalog, further explored in tutorials.

Interested? In the upcoming summer semester of 2024 there will be a “Physics and Chemistry of Sustainability II” for even more green ideas from Beate Koksch and colleagues from chemistry!
The course with Prof. Dr. Holger Dau will be offered again in the winter semester of 2024, so stay tuned!

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