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E-Publishing support (journals and monographs)

CeDiS (Center for Digital Systems) supports open access activities of researchers affiliated with Freie Universität Berlin through its various services in the field of e-publishing. It provides software solutions enabling publishing independent from publishing companies.

It is possible to publish journals under the conditions desired by editorial staff, which among other things, means that it is possible to abandon fees such as „Article Processing Charge“ (APC). In this way the so-called „journal flipping” - transformation from a closed to an open access publication - is supported.

CeDiS also offers services to support publishing of monographs facilitating in particular the establishment of book series.


CeDiS offers hosting and support of academic journals with the OJS (Open Journal Systems) software. This includes in particular:

  • initial installation and operation of technical platform for the journal
  • introducing the journal staff to various use options of the journal platform and assistance during ongoing journal platform operation,
  • graphic design of the journal as well as transferring of old issues into the new publication environment, if required.

As in the case of print journals, researchers or editors and editorial teams operating the open access journal are in the same way responsible for the editorial work and the organization of the review process. Open access journal articles are freely available on the internet immediately after their publication and they reach much wider audience than toll-based journals.

CeDiS staff assists you during the planning phase of setting up an open access journal, advises on how to transfer a print journal to an electronic format or if you look for a new, professional and reliable publication environment for an existing e-journal.


To support the publication of electronic books CeDiS uses the publication software Open Monograph Press (OMP). OMP facilitates editing of academic publications organized in book series. It is a tool for extensive and long-term open access book publication projects.

Open Monograph Press (OMP) is a software platform designed to organize editorial workflow while publishing monographs, edited volumes and other types of scholarly publications in book format. OMP helps to manage the review process, editing, cataloguing, production and publication of books.

Please direct your enquiries to:

Center für Digitale Systeme, Email: e-publishing@cedis.fu-berlin.de