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Support for open access initiatives and infrastructures

The University Library supports Open Access initiatives and infrastructures in order to promote the diversity of the scientific publishing landscape and to expand the opportunities for authors in publishing their research results. In doing so, we financially contribute to a quality-based, fair, and sustainable transformation to Open Access.

Financial support for initiatives

For the publication of Open Access journal articles and books, authors do not have to pay publication costs for the initiatives listed below. Within the meaning of Diamond Open Access, these are publications that are freely accessible worldwide, based on alternative funding models such as crowdfunding, and financed by university libraries, academic research institutions, research funders, or public funds. Non-commercial, science-led offerings are also part of the following list. The following initiatives receive funding from the University Library:

Financial support for infrastructures

To support the Open Access transformation, the University Library funds the following national and international infrastructures available to authors in the process of scholarly publishing.

  • Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ): worldwide directory of quality-assured open access journals
  • Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB): worldwide directory of quality-assured Open Access books and publishers
  • The Open Commons of Phenomenology: international scientific online platform and database with bibliographic information as well as free access to digitized books, series and journals on phenomenology, from early phenomenology, School of Brentano and neo-Kantianism to Gestalt psychology and empirical psychology
  • DSpace-Konsortium Deutschland: German-speaking community for the support of the open source software DSpace
  • ORCID-DE: ORCID Germany Consortium to support the establishment of ORCID at scientific institutions and among publishers

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at open-access@fu-berlin.de.