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The institutional repository Refubium is a service of the University Library of Freie Universität. All the university members (research staff/scientists, students and other authors currently affiliated with Freie Univesität) are encouraged to deposit their scientific papers, master and bachelor thesis, as well as research data.

Link to the publication platform Refubium: www.refubium.fu-berlin.de

The following documents can be archived on the repository

Sammlung ‚Dissertationen‘: doctoral theses, habilitation theses

Sammlung ‚Forschungsdaten‘: research data

Sammlung ‚Studentische Abschlussarbeiten‘: bachelor's/master's theses

Sammlung ‚Weitere wissenschaftliche Publikationen‘: journal articles, conference and discussion papers / working papers, books and book chapters, periodicals and reports

(The publication platform is structured in different Sammlungen (eng. collections))

Advantages of depositing a work on the Institutional Repository of the FU Berlin

  • Publication is fast and free of charge.
  • Documents are accessible worldwide via the internet.
  • The documents are registered in the University Bibliography or   recorded in the “System for recording publications” (SEP).
  • documents deposited in the repository are indexed in various regional and national catalogs, search engines (i.e. Google Scholar, BASE).
  • Indexed with Unpaywall.
  • Document-metadata meets technical and librarian quality standards.
  • Guaranteed availability, data protection and long-term archiving (long-term preservation at least 5 years).
  • citability of documents
  • The author retains the right for an electronic secondary distribution on any other platform or repository.
  • Allocation of persistent identifiers (DOI, URN, Online-ISBN, ISSN).

Please note concerning your affiliation the following rules:  Standardisierte Angabe der Zugehörigkeit (Affiliation) zur Freien Universität Berlin bei Publikationen.


For questions about the publication of your research data:
E-mail: kontakt@refubium.fu-berlin.de

For questions about the publication of documents:
E-Mail: edocs@ub.fu-berlin.de 

For questions about the submission of your electronic doctoral theses:
E-Mail: dissonline@ub.fu-berlin.de