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Berlin | Oxford Summer School

Sep 17, 2018 - Sep 20, 2018

on open, transparent, and reproducible research in the life sciences

A four-day summer school aims to guide early career researchers towards an open, transparent, and reproducible research workflow.  The summer school will consist of a core programme with lectures on preregistration, open data, statistics etc. and a number of workshops that can be tailored to individual research interest of the participants. 

Target group

PhD students and postdocs


The summer school is free to attend. Participants need to arrange their own travel and accommodation.

A limited number of applicants with up to 500 Euro will be available, if applicants cannot cover the travel costs from their own funding. Please state in your letter of motivation if you would like to apply for funding.

Application deadline

The application deadline is 1st of July 2018 at midday (Berlin time)

Further Information

For more information, please refer to www.bihealth.org/de/aktuell/berlin-oxford-summer-school or contact summerschool_berlinoxford@bihealth.de.

Time & Location

Sep 17, 2018 - Sep 20, 2018

QUEST Center for Transforming Biomedical Research at the Berlin Institute of Health (BIH), Anna-Louisa-Karsch-Str. 2, 10178 Berlin

Further Information
