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Citation-Management Software

Programs for citation-management

Citation-management programs help you publish your scientific texts.


Citation-management for members of Freie Universität Berlin

In addition to ZEDAT, the University Library offers campus licenses for Citavi and EndNote.

Both systems are computer-based stand-alone solutions.

  • Citavi requires a Microsoft Windows operating system.
  • EndNote is available for computers with Microsoft Windows and Mac OS; EndNote can be synchronized with the internet-based platform EndNoteWeb.

Which product is right for me?

Citavi Pro & Citavi Team

Citavi is a citation-management program that is easy to learn with an interface in German, English, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Polish. Knowledge organization (Wissensorganisation) is integrated, which links literature quotes with content. The intention of task planning here is to maintain a chronological overview. The program has premium help texts, (video) tutorials and dedicated user support.
Citavi can be downloaded as a free version with all functionalities. However, this version is limited to a maximum of 100 entries per project. Citavi Pro, which has no database entry restrictions, can be enabled by all members of Freie Universität Berlin using a license key. The license key can be requested through the ZEDAT portal. It also applies for a second installation of Citavi, e.g. on a USB-stick or laptop.

The license key also applies to the enhanced license for Citavi Team that can be used by working groups for networking.

More information about Citavi ...
Go to introduction at the University Library on Citavi?!

EndNote & EndNoteWeb

EndNote is a market leader in citation-management software. EndNote is a sophisticated, high-performance citation-management program, available as a desktop version with an English interface for Windows and Macintosh computers.

The program can be configured perfectly and adapted to one's needs (Import Filter, Connection Files, Output Styles), which requires more intensive familiarization. EndNote offers very many formatting templates for periodicals and is held in high esteem in science, research, teaching and development areas alike.
In combination with EndNoteWeb there is also an option for exchange of data via the internet within a working group.
More information about EndNote ...
Go to introduction at the University Library on EndNote?!

We would like to point out that there are many other commercial or free citation-management programs available.