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Charité – Universitätsmedizin

A separate Primo portal for the Charité libraries is under construction. It will be running with the same software and infrastructure, but the presentation of electronic resources will be adapted to the license conditions as valid for Charité and to Charité's subject areas. The data pools activated in the Articles+ scopes in the Charité and Freie Universität portals are not coextensive.

  • Library portal Primo for Freie Universität Berlin: http://primo.fu-berlin.de/en
  • Library portal Primo for Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin as of 5 March 2018: http://primo.fu-berlin.de/charite

Resources covered on the Charité portal

  • Physical items held by Charité and Freie Universität Berlin libraries (complete overlap with FU portal)
  • E-resources licensed for Charité (e-books, e-journals)
  • E-ressources licensed for both Charité and Freie Universität Berlin (e-books, e-journals) complemented with free e-journals
  • Articles+ scope, set up to suit particular Charité requirements

You will not find:

  • E-books and e-journals licensed for Freie Universität Berlin only
  • Article records from sources such as Wiso or MLA will not show up in the Articles+ scope because those databases are not licensed for Charité, and their content, therefore, cannot be activated on the Charité portal. Furthermore, several data pools that are deemed irrelevant for Charité purposes will not be activated.