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Global Humanities Campus

The GHC takes place annually, during the summer months, and consists of a two-week summer school, as well as of a two-day workshop.
As part of the summer school, the participants of the mobility programs of the PCD network, circulating in the course of the year, assemble for two weeks in Berlin. In addition, graduate and doctoral students are invited to take part in the summer school at the Freie Universitaet Berlin. The individual sessions are taught by postdocs and senior scholars, whose research focus pertains to the network’s field of study. By way of an immediate exchange with advanced graduate and doctoral students, these scholars present their research topics during colloquia, discussing content-related implications with regard to the framework subject of cultural dynamics. An accompanying cultural program provides these international and interdisciplinary scholars with the possibility of exchanging ideas, thus implementing and strengthening the backbone of the PCD project—the conception of a network.