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Lucía López

Lucía López

Institute for Latin American Studies

MA Student

Freie Universitaet Berlin

Lucía López holds a Bachelor degree in Literature (Pontifical Catholic University of Chile) and a Master degree in Publishing (Diego Portales University). In addition, she studied Art History and Contemporary Philosophy. Since 2014 she is pursuing a Master in Interdisciplinary Latin American Studies at Freie Universitaet Berlin. Her research focuses on the touring ethnicity and indigenous (re)presentation in the context of tourism in the Amazonian Region from the perspective of Cultural Studies and Critical Theory. She also has interest in Hispano-American Literature, Memory, (Auto)biography, Comic and Graphic Novel in Latin America.

Indigenous (Re)Presentation in Tourism. The Case of Colombian Amazon Region

The representation that the tourism market portrays about Latin America, and particularly about indigenous communities, is vast. Nonetheless it has not been analyzed from the Cultural Studies’ perspective. In the case of third world communities, particularly indigenous, the impact from the tourist gaze has developed the restructuration of ethnic identities and the way they are presented. Lucía proposes to analyze tourism as a cultural industry not making the focus on the tourists but on the indigenous host role, (re)presenting his culture and traditions to the tourists in the Amazon city of Leticia in Colombia. How and who writes the script of the indigenous representation?