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DS Mayfield

Global Humanities Junior Research and Teaching Stay at the Johns Hopkins University

August - October 2015

Dr. DS Mayfield studied American, English, and Spanish Literature at Würzburg University, and Comparative Literature in Berlin and Cambridge (UK). In 2015, he was Global Humanities Junior Research and Teaching Fellow at Johns Hopkins University. An alumnus of the Friedrich Schlegel Graduate School and the ERC-funded DramaNet project (both at Freie Universitaet Berlin), he is currently writing his habilitation at FUB, focusing on Early Modern drama (Rojas, Machiavelli, Shakespeare) with Blumenberg as a theoretical framework. The most recent article is entitled ““‘Against the Dog only a dog’. Talking Canines Civilizing Cynicism in Cervantes’ ‘coloquio de los perros’ (With Tentative Remarks on the Discourse and Method of Animal Studies)”. A monograph entitled Artful Immorality – Variants of Cynicism. Machiavelli, Gracián, Diderot, Nietzsche was published in 2015, the edited volume Rhetoric and Drama appeared in 2017, the book-length study Variants of Rhetorical Ventriloquism in 2018, all with de Gruyter.
Contact: ds.mayfield@fu-berlin.de.