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Marie-Christin Wilm

Marie-Christin Wilm | Freie Universitaet Berlin

Marie-Christin Wilm | Freie Universitaet Berlin

Global Humanities Junior Research and Teaching Stay at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

June - August 2015

Transformations of the Aristotelian Concept of Character in Tragedy and the Theory of Tragedy around 1900

Marie-Christin Wilm’s project is focused on the nature of tragedy and the role of theories of tragedy at the fin de siècle on the one hand, and, on the other, on basic theoretical, philosophical, and psychoanalytic questions concerning the ego, the individual, and identity in the literature and thought of that time. Her project aims to explore the consequences which the transformations of the Aristotelian concept of character show in modern tragedy and its theories. This may lead to a comprehensive re-evaluation of the crisis of the subject in German drama and drama theory for the formative time around 1900.

Marie-Christin Wilm graduated from Freie Universitaet Berlin and holds a Doctoral degree in Modern German Literature, receiving her PhD from the University of Hannover in 2013 (Poetics of Experience: Anthropology and Aesthetics in the Work of Jakob Michael Reinhold Lenz). She worked as a DAAD Lecturer, as a Research Assistant at the Institute for the Scientific Study of Religion (FUB) and in the DFG-Collaborative Research Centre 626 (Aesthetic Experience and the Dissolution of Artistic Limits). Her visiting and teaching stays include the University of Wroclaw (Poland) and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Since October 2014 Marie-Christin Wilm is a postdoctoral fellow at the Friedrich Schlegel Graduate School of Literary Studies (Freie Universitaet Berlin).