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Sandra Görgen

Sandra Görgen

Freie Universitaet Berlin

Master Student

Global Humanities Junior Fellow at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Sandra Görgen studied Jewish Studies and History and Culture of the Ancient Near East and completed her Bachelors’ degree in 2015 with a translation and commentary on a Frankist’s manuscript fragment (Schocken Institute 14610) from 1800 Prague. Since then she continues her Master’s degree studies of ”Judaism in Historical Context” with the emphasis on Late Antiquity. For three years she worked as a student assistant in a research-project of the German-Israeli Foundation for Scientific Research and Development (GIF): ”Theology at a Crossroad: Judah Hadassi’s Eshkol ha-kofer”. Currently she works as a student research assistant of the BabMed-Babylonian Medicine-Team at FUB with a main focus on medicine in the Babylonian Talmud.

Tradition and Transfer of Hasmonean Names of the Jewish Community in Ioannina/Greece

Sandra Görgen examines the history of Jewish Names on the tombstones of Ioannina’s cemetery in comparison with names from the Second Temple Period. The scientific issue will be the dynamic process of how they were transmitted over centuries. She therefore analyses photographs of the tombstones in juxtaposition of provenance, gender and ornaments. Since the Jewish community of Ioannina diminished rapidly after the Holocaust, it is of particular importance for her to be part of a continuing preservation process.