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GO-Bio Initial: Your window for the transfer of life science exploration ideas into the economy


Image Credit: Photo by Dylan Ferreira on Unsplash

Timeline: Go-Bio Initial

Timeline: Go-Bio Initial

The object of the funding is the identification and further development of life science exploitation ideas, preferably from the fields of "therapeutics", "diagnostics", "platform technologies" and "research tools", from their conceptual design to the review of feasibility and possible exploitation options.

Target group:

Scientists who can imagine a career beyond academia (e.g. in a spin-off company or industry).


  • The idea results from a life science research project and indicates initial innovation potential.
  • Very raw, sketchy idea for exploitation.
  • Patent application is not a requirement for funding

Funding conditions:

The funding is divided into two phases:

In the exploratory phase, a potential exploitation idea is to be developed based on initial scientific findings. The main elements are the conception, examination and consideration of various exploitation options. The property rights situation is to be analyzed and a proprietary property rights strategy is to be developed. In addition, a founding team is to be set up, which will take up and implement the exploitation idea.

  • individual projects12 months | 100,000 euros.

  • Funding for personnel and travel expenses as well as for contracts with third parties, for example for market analyses or regulatory consulting. Expenses for the registration and maintenance of intellectual property rights during the official examination procedure as well as an initial FtO analysis.

  • Material and consumables for orienting preliminary investigations are only fundable in justified exceptional cases.

In the feasibility phase, after the exploratory phase and a positive FtO analysis, the development work is to carry out up to the proof of principle. At the end of the feasibility phase, connectivity to established funding programs such as VIP+, EXIST-Transfer of Research, KMU-innovativ or GO-Bio should be established.

  • individual projects: 24 months | 500,000 euros.
  • collaborative projects: 24 months | 1,000,000 euros.
  • Funding for personnel, material and travel expenses as well as contracts with third partiesfor example for research and development services or consulting, training and coaching. Expenses for the registration and maintenance of property rights during the official examination procedure as well as further FtO analyses.
  • Investments are only fundable in justified exceptional cases.


Applicant is the university.

Exploratory phase:

  • Submission possible by February 15th of each year (last possible submission: 15.02.2026)

  • Idea sketchMaximum of five pages (in German) with a description of the exploitation idea, including the state of the art and possible exploitation prospects.

  • Short curriculum vitae and motivation letter

Feasibility phase:

  • Submission is possible by May 15th of each year after the start of the exploratory phase.

  • Project descriptionMaximum 15 pages (in German) with a description of the project including the findings on the exploitation idea from the exploratory phase.

Further information:

Website BMBF: Go-Bio Initial



Dr. -Ing. Stefan Knoll

Phone: (030) 838 60268

E-mail: stefan.knoll@fu-berlin.de 


Tomasz Gingold

Phone: (030) 838 62887

E-Mail: tomasz.gingold@fu-berlin.de

Dr. Suvrat Chowdhary

Phone: (030) 838 68827

E-Mail: suvrat.chowdhary@fu-berlin.de 

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