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Internal Research Funding TRANSFER

TRANSFER created with OpenAI's DALL-E

TRANSFER created with OpenAI's DALL-E

TRANSFER funding is the fifth funding line of internal research funding at Freie Universität Berlin.

The aim of this open-topic funding is to validate research results with regard to their transfer into practice and/or to prepare their commercial exploitation. The aim is to raise third-party funds, including public application or exploitation-related funding programs and contract research with companies, as well as to generate income in the medium term through the exploitation of intellectual property, including through research-based spin-offs.

Funding can include the following activities:

  • Technical feasibility review (e.g. technical advancement, prototype development, testing of potential processes),
  • Patent analysis and protection (e.g. patenting, analysis of the property rights situation).
  • Proof of economic potential (e.g. market potential analyses, search for marketing partners, development of business models).


  • All postdoctoral researchers at Freie Universität Berlin who are in active employment during the funding period are eligible to apply.

  • Both technical and social innovations are eligible for funding. Social innovations include new social practices and organizational models that aim to find viable and sustainable solutions to the challenges facing our society.

  • The existence of concretely definable IP-based research results with high exploitation potential (IP-based technologies, copyrighted works and software, know-how / know-how-based material). As an institution, Freie Universität Berlin must have a relevant share of the corresponding ownership and exploitation rights.

Funding conditions:

  • One-off application volume of up to 40.000 €

  • The following modules can be applied for:

  • An integral part of the funding line is the obligatory coaching module, which focuses on developing the entrepreneurial skills of participating researchers through accompanying coaching, training or workshops. 


Before submitting an application, a consultation with the Patent and License Service and the Knowledge and Technology Transfer team is mandatory. This serves to assess possible exploitation ideas and to plan the coaching module. Consultation appointments can be arranged through the Transfer Office.

Applications (max. 3 pages plus CV) can be sent electronically to transfer@forschung.fu-berlin.de by the specified deadlines. Application template (PDF)

Important dates:

Consultation meeting Application deadline Meeting date of the Resarch Committee
until  01.01.2024 Sunday, 28.01.2024 Tuesday, 13.02.2024
until  03.06.2024 Sunday, 30.06.2024 Tuesday, 16.07.2024
until  21.10.2024 Sunday, 17.11.2024 Tuesday, 03.12.2024

Contact TRANSFER office:

Michelle Schmidt

Phone: (030) 838 72726

E-mail: michelle.schmidt@fu-berlin.de

Dr. -Ing. Stefan Knoll

Phone: (030) 838 60268

E-mail: stefan.knoll@fu-berlin.de 

science and startups
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