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EXIST-Women: Fostering female founders.

With EXIST-Women a total of 10 women interested in entrepreneurship have the opportunity to become familiar with the topics of founding and professional independence. The program is designed for graduates, female scientists, students, and women with professional qualifications who aspire to start solo or in a team.

Initiated by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), this new funding program aims to increase the proportion of women entrepreneurs. The EXIST Women model project seeks to accompany and support women in the development of business ideas, promoting higher diversity in startups and boosting the percentage of female founders.

This is a 10-month mentoring program that includes coaching, mentoring, training, networking, individual mentorship, and a grant of €2,000 per person, along with a three-month stipend of €2,500 for graduates (plus €150 for each child). The program is divided into three phases:

  1. Training and workshops, mentor matching, stipend (February-April) 
  2. Business model development, mentoring, targeted training (May-August) 
  3. Securing follow-up financing, individual coaching, mentoring (September-November) 

Additionally, the program offers accompanying events, access to workspaces in our incubators, a peer-learning program with other participants, and personalized coaching and counseling.The program commences on February 1, 2024, and runs until November 30, 2024. Stipend payments cover December 2023, January, and February 2024, while the material grant is disbursed in January 2024. Adherence to the funding conditions (see below) is a prerequisite.This initiative is a pilot project by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, aiming to significantly impact the current rate of female founders. Applications are currently open until December 14, 2023, at profund@fu-berlin.de.To apply, please submit a 5-minute video or a two-pager addressing the following points:

  1. Demographic information (who you are, age, and if you have children) 
  2. Professional background (employed, self-employed, or student?) 
  3. Previous entrepreneurial experience 
  4. Presence of a startup idea, if any 
  5. Motivation for applying 
  6. Desired outcomes by the end of the program 

Please upload the video to a cloud and share only the link with us. The jury will select participants by December 15, 2023.Due to the current budget situation, stipend payments will be made from December 2023 to February 2024 (initial payment in January). Conditions for receiving a stipend include:

  • No income or working a maximum of 20 hours per week during the stipend period (December 2023 to February 2024). 
  • Simultaneous funding through a stipend and the startup grant from the employment agency is not possible. 
  • No prior participation in EXIST startup grants, Berlin Startup grants, or similar startup promotion programs. 
  • No prior establishment of a company at the time of application. 

The stipend amount varies based on qualifications:

  • Students (minimum bachelor’s degree or 50% completed studies): €1,000 
  • Women with completed vocational training: €2,000 
  • Graduates with a university degree: €2,500 
  • Ph.D. entrepreneurs: €3,000 

Please review all other funding conditions on the funding provider’s website: https://www.exist.de/EXIST/Navigation/DE/Gruendungsfoerderung/EXIST-WOMEN/FAQ/faq.html 

We look forward to receiving your application!

More infomation:

Website EXIST-Women
Förderrichtlinie EXIST-Women


Anna Figoluschka
Phone: (030) 838-66 898
E-Mail: anna.figoluschka@fu-berlin.de

Stefan Knoll
Phone: (030) 838-60 268
E-Mail: stefan.knoll@fu-berlin.de  

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