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Application Deadline Berliner Startup Stipendium HEALTH

Sep 26, 2021


With the new scholarship program, FU, HU, TU and Charité support founders* who want to implement innovative and/or technology-based business ideas in the field of health care management or medical technology.

The focus is on supporting start-up projects of teams especially from the fields of diagnostics, therapy, nursing, rehabilitation, health care and quality of life in case of diseases and injuries.

Two to four grants of 2,000 euros per month each can be awarded for a period of twelve months per founding team. An extension for a further three months is possible. The start-up projects receive professional support from a mentor panel.

The goal of the scholarship is for the participants to reach predefined milestones within the funding period, to complete their prototype, to show significant progress in their skills, and to reach start-up maturity (in the foreseeable future) or maturity for follow-up financing.

For more information, visit https://startupstipendium.berlin. In an initial meeting, you will discuss your project with a start-up consultant from Profund Innovation. Appointments for this can be booked here now. The next step is to submit a written application by 26.9.2021. The scholarships are expected to start on December 1, 2021.
science and startups
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