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POSTPONED - Business & Beer November 2022 - Startup Speeddating – Health Edition

Nov 30, 2022 | 06:00 PM - 07:30 PM

The Business&Beer: Startup Speeddating - Health Edition will be postponed to 2023 due to scheduling reasons. 

NFUSION Entrepreneurs Network Freie Universität Berlin, the Vereinigung der Unternehmensverbände in Berlin und Brandenburg e.V. (UVB) and the Berliner wirtschaftsgespräche e.V. (BWG) invite selected representatives from their networks to get to know the health startups in a personal speed dating setting at Business&Beer: Startup Speeddating – Health Edition.

After a short introduction of the startups and the speed dating round, there will be, as always, the opportunity to network in larger rounds. Look forward to a pre-Christmas networking meeting with mulled wine, punch and fire basket.

The event takes place outside in a Christmas market atmosphere. In case of rain, the event will be moved to the event room of the Startup Villa.

The Business&Beer series is an exclusive format for NFUSION members. For more information, see www.fu-berlin.de/nfusion or sarah.bidoli@fu-berlin.de.
About NFUSION - Entrepreneurs Network Freie Universität Berlin:

NFUSION is both a sponsoring association and a community for and by entrepreneurs from all start-up and business phases of Freie Universität Berlin as well as cooperating institutions such as Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin and the 

and Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing. NFUSION offers the ideal setting to make new contacts at exclusive events, refresh existing contacts and participate in the lively start-up culture of the FU. The members of the network provide access to diverse expertise from a wide variety of departments at Freie Universität Berlin and many industries.

science and startups
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