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Berlin K.I.E.Z.-Accelerator launches application phase for its Fall Batch 2022

Jun 17, 2022 - Jul 22, 2022

AI startups can apply for one of the six accelerator places until July 22, 2022. Companies that are accepted into the program benefit from tailored services that the founders can put together based on their own growth targets.



The K.I.E.Z. Accelerator primarily supports science-based AI startups founded in the vicinity of the four Berlin universities (Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Technische Universität Berlin, and Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin). Interested companies can apply for the Accelerator via the website www.kiez.ai/accelerator until July 22, 2022. For questions about the application process and the program, two Q&A sessions will be offered in June and July. The dates and further information can be found on the website.


Selection process

We are looking for promising founders with AI-based business solutions that solve relevant problems. Applied AI technologies must be relevant to the core product and the addressed markets should have sufficient potential for sustainable business success.

The application process is a two-step process: A pre-selection of 10 startups is made from the digitally submitted applications. The final decision will be made in the second round, in which the applicants will present to a jury of renowned experts. The final decision on the participants in the Fall Batch 2022 will be announced at the beginning of September 2022.


About K.I.E.Z.

K.I.E.Z. - Artificial Intelligence Entrepreneurship Center - is an initiative to support the founding of science-based startups in the field of artificial intelligence. The range of services is geared to the specific needs of AI startups and covers the entire innovation chain: from the identification of startup potential in AI research to targeted support in the incubation phase and an AI accelerator program.


K.I.E.Z. is supported by Science & Startups, the association of the startup centers of the Berlin universities - FU, HU, TU and Charité.


K.I.E.Z. is the first of several nationwide model projects for more startups in the AI sector and is being funded over four years with 6.85 million euros from the Federal Ministry of Economics and co-financed by the state of Berlin.



Anja Kunack
T: +49176 41252348 

email: anja.kunack@kiez.ai 


science and startups
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