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TeachSurfing Knowledge Sharing Festival 2022

Sep 30, 2022 | 04:00 PM - 09:00 PM

Shift all your plans and block your Friday afternoon!
On Friday the 30th of September, TeachSurfers and the community of knowledge-sharing people finally get the opportunity to meet in Berlin - for the Knowledge Sharing Festival at Profund Innovation Startup Villa!
TeachSurfing prepared many workshop sessions like movment meditation or how to find career paths in the common good, a panel discussion and a keynote about the future of education.
In addition they will share their free online training "e-VELP" for those who want to create their own workshop to share their skills with the world (You? )

Agenda (the program will be in english):

"How AI can help to find learning paths"
Keynote by Dr. Benjamin Paaßen, expert in machine learning for education

As Benjamin is researching on how to combine symbolic, human knowledge with machine learning techniques, he will give us insights about the future of education.
How will we be learning and do trainings over the next couple of years?

Panel Discussion
"Is e-learning the right approach to include migrants into local communities? What's missing?"
With experts in migration (Nvard Loryan) and pedagogy (Dr. Nicole Flindt) and more tba.

4 TeachSurfers will host their workshops for free

Movement Meditation by Malte Steinhoff
How to do good and make good money? by Eszter Boros
The Ecological Footprint - Measurement, Comparison and Political Implications by Daniel Witt
Mindshiftmoves - EMBODY YOUR GOALS! (DE) by Nadja Weise

Presentation with Testimonials
e-VELP online training

More information and tickets: https://www.eventbrite.de/e/knowledge-sharing-festival-2-tickets-399946780587?aff=profund
Contact: Sophie Bruhn sophie@teachsurfing.de


Time & Location

Sep 30, 2022 | 04:00 PM - 09:00 PM

Startup Villa - Eventspace 1. OG Raum 103

science and startups
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