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Young Entrepreneurs in Science Workshop

Nov 04, 2020 - Nov 05, 2020

From PhD to Innovator: Berlin 

Application possible until 22.10. The workshop will take place via zoom from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm on both days.

How much entrepreneurship is inside of you? Find out in the two-day online workshop FROM PHD TO INNOVATOR for doctoral students and postdocs of all disciplines. Guided by experienced coaches, you will learn in a group of highly motivated researchers how to turn your doctoral thesis into a business idea. The workshop is free of charge and requires no previous knowledge.

PhDs and Postdocs from the following partner institutions are invited to participate:

Free University of Berlin
HTW Berlin
HWR Berlin
Humboldt-University of Berlin
TU Berlin
European University Viadrina
Potsdam Science Park
University of Potsdam
Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg

Regional economic partner:
Berlin Savings Bank

More information/application: https://youngentrepreneursinscience.com/en/termine

science and startups
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