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Aneta Bärwolf

Aneta Bärwolf

Head of Profund Innovation (commissioned)

(030) 838-4 73 634

Aneta has worked at Profund Innovation at Freie Universität since April 2008 as a startup and financing consultant. She has been deputy head of Profund Innovation since 2015. Recently, she took over as acting head of the team.

Aneta supports scientists at FU Berlin in the further development or validation of projects in the field of application and market. Support includes assistance with grant applications for collaborative projects with industry as well as applications for selected exploitation-related funding programs and IP-based start-up projects.

Working hours

Monday to Friday


LinkedIn:             https://www.linkedin.com/in/aneta-b%C3%A4rwolf-256949b0/
Email:                  aneta.baerwolf@fu-berlin.de

Phone:                 +49 30 838 73 634    

science and startups
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