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Claudia Dirks


Cluster manager/start-up consultant

Claudia has been Cluster Manager Healthcare x Prevention in the Profund Innovation Team at the FU since November 2023 and supervises the BSS scholarship holders at Science & Startups for Future. Her passion is opening doors, thinking ahead and finding points of contact for the teams in the healthcare industry.


About Claudia

Claudia has been working in the healthcare industry for many years and has a large, cross-sector network. For the Health Innovation Hub of the BMG, she designed and realized deep dive formats around the Digital Health Applications (DiGA) and the Hospital Future Act and was responsible for public relations and the newsletter as Head of Communications.

She was editor-in-chief of various trade magazines and Director Media DACH at HIMSS Europe GmbH, where she was responsible for the program of the eHealth Summits in German-speaking countries. She has also been responsible for the MIRACUM-DIFUTURE Journal since the start of the medical informatics initiative.


Working hours: Monday to Thursday

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/claudia-dirks-165b5912a/

science and startups
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