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Dr. Stefan Knoll


Innovation Manager

Stefan supports members of the department of Biology, Chemistry, and Pharmacy who want to bring their research and ideas into the market. He helps with the identification of ideas and their validation, and even with the identification of suitable funding programs or cooperation partners for the implementation of an idea. In addition, he supports members of the Freie Universität in their personal development and qualification to become start-up entrepreneurs.



Stefan earned his PhD in engineering at Otto von Guericke University, Magdeburg and worked during his postdoc on new approaches to support computer-aided collaboration in lean startups. Since 2016, he supports members of various universities during ideation and development of their startup ideas. In addition to his work at Profund, he is also a founding member of the DENKFABRIK Universities and Entrepreneurship and a dedicated family man.

Workingdays mondy to friday

science and startups
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