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KMU innovativ – How the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research supports innovative SMEs

In a KMU-innovativ project, the working group of chemistry professor Rainer Haag develops new coatings for the artificial heart pumps of the Berlin Heart GmbH.

In a KMU-innovativ project, the working group of chemistry professor Rainer Haag develops new coatings for the artificial heart pumps of the Berlin Heart GmbH.

No other major country in Europe has a higher percentage of innovative small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) than Germany. The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) helps SMEs develop new ideas, put research findings to work for themselves, and spread the results of research.

SMEs team up with research groups from Freie Universität Berlin to submit a jointly developed project sketch. On two specific dates each year (April 15 and October 15), all sketches that have been received up until then are evaluated. Criteria include the level of innovation reflected in the scientific/academic and technical concept, the technological and economic potential, the partners’ qualifications and the quality of the project management and, where applicable, the alliance structure.

Applicants are notified of the results by two months after the evaluation date at the latest. If the evaluation for the sketch is positive, an application for funding can be submitted online. A decision regarding the application is then made within two months. After the notice of the decision is received, funds are disbursed successively as the project progresses.

Scholars, scientists, and researchers from Freie Universität Berlin are already involved in numerous KMU innovativ projects with companies.

Further information on the KMU innovativ program: German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)

Aneta Bärwolf
Phone: +49 30 838 73634
Email: aneta.baerwolf@fu-berlin.de