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Joining the dots

Joining the dots
Image Credit: Anne Sedlmayer & Katja Buchholz

Degree programs at Freie Universität are regularly monitored for quality in terms of concept, realization, and outcome. A variety of different instruments and procedures are used for this purpose, each focusing on different aspects of teaching and educational quality.

  • Are the qualification objectives meaningful? Does the curriculum demonstrably correspond to them?
    These questions are evaluated using the tools of peer consultation (Fachgespräch) and the compliance inspection of current requirements: focus on the formal criteria for elements of degree program design (Ampelauswertung).

  • Is the curriculum content taught and structured in such a way to realistically meet the requirements of students?
    This is evaluated partly through central surveys and teaching evaluations.

  • Do the skills and knowledge students gain during their studies correspond to the established qualification goals? Does the course of study prepare students for their future professional duties and their further career path?
    Information on this is assessed using key performance indicators and the alumni survey.

Ampelauswertung (Traffic Light System)

Rules aren’t always there to be broken.

Rules aren’t always there to be broken.
Image Credit: WikimediaImages / Pixabay

Every eight years, a “traffic light” system is used to evaluate formal and conceptual aspects of programs. The Unit for Academic Structural Development, based in Division V: Academic Affairs, monitors whether the current study and examination regulations meet the requirements of the current degree program framework, for example in terms of module sizes, credit points, elective modules and grade averages, the examination process, and the concepts that underpin the degree.

Dr. Gaby Luther
+49 30 838 60525

Flyer Ampelauswertung (German)
Process description Ampelauswertung (German)

The traffic light system used at Freie Universität was evaluated externally in 2019/20. The evaluation report (in German) can be accessed only from the Freie Universität network.

Peer Consultation

Two heads are better than one

Two heads are better than one
Image Credit: RonaldCandonga / Pixabay

As part of Freie Universität’s quality management system, peer consultations incorporate external expertise into the conceptual development of new degree programs as well as into the regularly scheduled evaluations of existing programs (at least once every eight years). The departments and central institutes are responsible for implementing the peer consultation process. The peer consultation focuses in particular on the evaluation of subject-specific and content-related aspects of the degree programs along with how the degree is structured and its relevance to the job market. External specialists in the area, external students, and professionals working outside academia are regularly invited to take part as consultants in the process.

Anne Sedlmayer
+49 30 838 73512

Key Indicator Grid

Numbers aren't everything, but we can't do without them!

Numbers aren't everything, but we can't do without them!
Image Credit: 200degrees / Pixabay

An indicator grid is a standard monitoring instrument used by the departments and central institutes every year to analyze cohort-based data on study progress, study outcomes, and student mobility. This data is then subjected to a time series analysis. Data can be generated by staff for their area of responsibility using the “Teaching and Education” information system. The indicator grid also forms the basis for the annual quality discussions held between the vice president for teaching, learning, and academic development and the heads of the decentralized areas.

Iris Becker
+49 30 838 60560

Central Surveys

If you don’t know –  ask!

If you don’t know – ask!
Image Credit: andibreit / Pixabay

Every four years, the Unit for Teaching and Education Quality (Arbeitsstelle Lehr- und Studienqualität) carries out surveys with bachelor and master’s students, including students enrolled on teacher training courses, and with students who have withdrawn from the university.

These surveys are mainly designed to evaluate the respondents’ thoughts on the degree itself, the conditions of study, and the requirements that must be met in order to obtain the degree.

With the Institute for Applied Statistics, the unit also carries out regular alumni surveys to find out what kind of work they are doing now and how their degree and the skills they have learned relate to their career (“employability”).

Dr. Irmela Blüthmann, +49 30 838 75421
Dr. Susanne Bergann, +49 30 838 57982


Teaching Evaluation

Good teaching doesn't just happen

Good teaching doesn't just happen
Image Credit: Background photo created by Waewkidja - www.freepik.com

The evaluation guideline ensures that all relevant classes and seminars at the university are evaluated at least once every two years. The departments and central institutes use a variety of questionnaires for this purpose, including competency-based questions.

The Unit for School Teaching/School Development Research within the Department of Education and Psychology has developed a tool which is also used regularly to assess teaching competency (“LeKo”). The evaluations focus on three elements in particular: how students are given access to knowledge and helped to understand it; whether and how teachers are able to create a motivational environment that supports learning; and whether and how teachers are able to manage interactions within the learning group.

Teaching staff also have access to a broad spectrum of training, which complements the regular evaluations.

The central technical coordination and user support is provided by the Division of Acamdemic Affairs.

• Officers for studying and teaching (departments and central institutes)
• Technical support: Till Amelang, +49 30 838 60529, till.amelang@fu-berlin.de