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With activation on Refubium, every new document is assigned a DOI. DOIs are registered with DataCite by the University Library.

Furthermore the University Library offers for all other institutes of Freie Universität Berlin, who are hosting own repositories a cost free DOI registration.

In case of interest please contact kontakt@refubium.fu-berlin.de

The Freie Universität University Library holds a block on ISBNs that we are happy to pass on to Freie Universität members free of charge if required. Please address your requests to the University Library Dissertations Department / Repository Editiorial Team: hsstelle@ub.fu-berlin.de

Please notice:

  • Each independent publication receives its own unique ISBN; e.g .printed books; electronic independent ressources ; software including teaching and learning materials;  films for educational purposes; print-on-demand publications
  • Significant changes to a publication such as new editions, translations, digitization and transfers into other formats (paperback, audio book, electronic publication) require a new ISBN.
  • The ISBN and the reference to Freie Universität Berlin must be placed in the imprint. In the case of film material, for example, the ISBN must be mentioned in the opening credits.

We can also assign and register ISSNs. An ISSN can only be assigned if the first volume of the series has already been published.

Application and more information here: edocs@ub.fu-berlin.de

A URN (Uniform Resource Name) serves to uniquely identify your work – much as an ISBN or DOI does.

Because of the legal-deposit regulations, the University Library is integrated into the DNB's URN system and will assign a URN to your work accordingly.

The German National Library (DNB) runs a URN resolver that directs queries based on the DNB URNs to current URLs.