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The Sustainable Development Goals

Leave noone behind - The 17 Sustainable Development Goals of Agenda 2030 

FFU supports a new culture of learning and teaching through Schools@University and implements the Agenda 2030

In September 2015 Heads of State and Government agreed to set the world on a path towards sustainable development through the adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This agenda includes 17 Sustainable Development Goals, or SDGs, which set out quantitative objectives across the social, economic, and environmental dimensions of sustainable development — all to be achieved by 2030. The goals provide a framework for shared action “for people, planet and prosperity,” to be implemented by “all countries and all stakeholders, acting in collaborative partnership.

The Environmental Research Institute (FFU) is convinced that the implementation of the SDGs towards a societal transformation can only be successful if there is a new culture of learning and teaching. Education is central to its implementation. This is where Schools@University comes in. Since 2006, we are working successfully to realise these goals. All our programmes and trainings follow SDG 4 (high-quality education) and the guidelines of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). It is our goal to spread a culture of learning and teaching in the spirit of ESD, to initiate processes of changein schools and to support cooperations between schools, universities and extra-curricular places of learning.

All workshops and trainings follow the idea of giving a competency to create and design. Quality and quantity of content (SDG 4) as well as the diversity of methods and topics that characterise Schools@University are possible thanks to a big network of regional and academic partners. About 45 organisations and companies as well as 90 individual and extra-curricular education partners and cultural institutions form part of this network. Thus, FFU supports SDG 17.


All 17 SDGs are reflected in the workshops and trainings of Schools@University. Our focus lies on Renewable Energies (SDG 7), Sustainable Producation and Consumption (SDG 12) as well as on Climate Change. However, SDGs 4 and 17 are present in all workshops.

In the following, you will find an exemplary project for each of the 17 SDGs to see how Schools@University teaches and implements the different goals.

No poverty

SDG 1 postulates to end poverty in all its forms everywhere. Here you can see one of our project that creates ideas which will help to end energy poverty by using renewable, clean energies.

Zero Hunger

End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture. One of our workshops talks about SDG 2 by showing alternatives for future food security.

Good Health and Well-Being

Goal 3 wants to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. Read more about one of Schools@University's projects about the well-being of sustainable consumers and societies.

Quality Education

SDG 4 (ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all) is an essential part of Schools@University. All of our workshops support this goal.

Gender Equality

In order to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls (SDG 5), Schools@University offers many different methods in the workshops.

Clean Water and Sanitation

Goal 6 is there to ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all. Many of our projects deal with water.

Affordable and Clean Energy

Energy is another key topic for Schools@University, which is why SDG 7 (ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all) is present in many projects, one of which you can learn more about here.

Decent Work and Economic Growth

SDG 8 promotes sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all. This example project follows the production cycle of a mobile phone.

Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

Goal 9 wants to build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation. Schools@University approaches this topic with a workshop in which students craft toys, among others.

Reduced inequalities

SDG 10 wants to reduce inequality within and among countries. Stop Motion films in one of Schools@University's most creative workshops show how inequalities are created and how they can be diminished, using water as an example.

Sustainable Cities and Communities

SDG 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. This is also the topic of the "Future workshop" projects by Schools@University.

Responsible Consumption and Production

Goal 12 is to ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns. This is one of Schools@University's main focus points, since many projects are centred around sustainable consumption and fair production conditions. This example workshop deals with the cosmetics industry and alternatives to unfair products.

Climate Action

SDG 13, which is also essential for Schools@University, asks us to take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. The popular climate training workshop for students is an ideal basis and equips students as well as teachers with a lot of knowledge and ideas on how to tackle goal 13.

Life Below Water

SDG 14 is about the conservation and the sustainable use of the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development. The workshop "Fisher's Fritz Fishes Fresh Fish" is an ideal fit.

Life on Land

Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss - SDG 15 is about all of this and this workshop on fertile earth helps students to understand the importance of it while being outside.

Peace and Justice

Goal 16 is intended to promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, to provide access to justice for all and to build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels. Schools@University offers a simulation game for students, which helps them to learn more about relevant climate change institutions.

Partnerships for the Goals

With SDG 17, the United Nations want to strengthen the means of implementation and to revitalise the global partnership for sustainable development. Schools@University dedicates itself to this goal by working a lot with diverse partnerships and cooperations.