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UAS Conference - Workshop Series 2021

Thanks to the digital format of the UAS Conference Workshop Series 2021 we welcomed over 200 researchers, PhD students and sustainability experts from 162 different institutions and universities and 49 (!) countries.

It was a pleasure to host so many sustainability experts in five workshops & three on-demand training sessions during 2 weeks of virtual networking in our virtual conference setting and we are looking forward to continuing the UAS Conference in a digital or hybrid format next year.

Since 2020, our largest network event, the UAS (Spring Campus) Conference takes place as a digital Workshop Series. Participants are invited to watch and comment the pre-recorded videos of our international speakers on our video platform: https://blogs.fu-berlin.de/uas-conference/. All registered participants received the access code for the password-protected video area.The on-demand content gave them access to 20+ international sustainability experts experienced in sustainability research and education and sparked lively discussions in form of comments on the blog as well as during the live workshop sessions. Each workshop had a two-hour Live Session via our Webex conferencing tool in which there was time to get together and exchange ideas on the previuosly uploaded talks as well as live keynote talks.

Coming from different cultural and professional backgrounds, the participants shared their perspectives on the responsibility science and universities should adopt to contribute to the global sustainability discourse. With the conference the Alliance aims to contribute to spreading innovative ideas, interesting research and sustainable campus solutions across the globe and to spark extended dialogue between all stakeholders on campus and beyond.

The Global Knowledge Value Chain on Sustainability: Addressing Fragmentations through International Academic Partnerships

The workshop: “The Global Knowledge Value Chain on Sustainability: Addressing Fragmentations through International Academic Partnerships” organized by Dr. Bettina Schorr (FU Berlin / trAndeS) took place on November 3, 4-6pm CET

Transformative Teaching and Learning: Moving from “Add-On” to “Built-In” Approaches

The workshop: “Transformative Teaching and Learning: Moving from “Add-On” to “Built-In” Approaches” organized by Nora Große and Janina Taigel (Freie Universität Berlin) took place on November 2, 4-6pm CET

Organizational Change Management for Sustainability in Higher Education

The workshop: “Organizational Change Management for Sustainability in Higher Education” organized by Katrin Schweigel and Sabine Heckmann (Freie Universität Berlin) took place on November 1, 4-6pm CET

Welcome Note by Prof. Dr. Marianne Braig, Vice President for Research and Sustainability in Research and Teaching

PhD Workshop: “Sustainable Development Research – an Interdisciplinary Chance or Challenge?"

The PhD Workshop: “Sustainable Development Research – an Interdisciplinary Chance or Challenge?” organized by PD Dr. Berthold Kuhn took place on November 4 and November 10, 4-6pm CET
