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Keynote Speaker Felix Matthes

Keynote Speaker Felix Matthes

Keynote Speaker Felix Matthes

Expert Talk with Felix Matthes, Member of the Coal Commission of the German Government on April 3, 9am.

News from Mar 22, 2019

In June 2018 the German Government established the Commission on Growth, Structural Change and Employment (known as the Coal Commission). The commission had the goal to develop a coal phase-out plan to meet short-, medium- and long-term climate goals, while also addressing structural development in the coal-mining regions.

Representatives from the government, civil society, business, and labor unions had intensive discussions for months to provide advice on the planned exit from coal extraction and combustion. On January 26, 2019, the commission agreed on a coal exit by 2038 after final negotiation round lasting more than 20 hours.

Learn more about Germany’s coal phase out strategy and receive insights on the negotiation process in our Pleanry Session on Wednesday, Arpil 3 at 9am with commission member Dr. Felix Matthes, Research Coordinator for Energy & Climate Policy at the Institute for Applied Ecology.

For further information click here: https://www.oeko.de/en/the-institute/staff/felix-christian-matthes/

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