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Workshop III: The Global Knowledge Value Chain on Sustainability: Addressing Fragmentations through International Academic Partnerships

Workshop III: The Global Knowledge Value Chain on Sustainability

Workshop III: The Global Knowledge Value Chain on Sustainability

News from Oct 18, 2021

The third workshop will deal with the role of university partnerships in the field of sustainability. In the light of increasing global challenges, like climate change, there is an urgent need to explore the yet untapped potential of academic internationalization for the promotion of sustainability. Different approaches will be presented at the workshop: providing channels to diffuse relevant knowledge, facilitating processes of mutual learning, enhancing intercultural sensitivity and allowing the pooling of often scarce resources. A focus will be on the question of how to reduce disciplinary and geographical barriers in the global debates on transitions towards sustainability. We look forward to an engaging discussion with partners participants from the TrAndeS network who will provide expertise and perspectives from Latin America. 

More information on Workshop III: The Global Knowledge Value Chain on Sustainability: Addressing Fragmentations through International Academic Partnerships.

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