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UAS Conference 2021: Workshop recordings now online

49 countries participating in the UAS Conference 2021

49 countries participating in the UAS Conference 2021

News from Nov 17, 2021

Dear UAS Conference 2021 Participants,

Thank you so much for your participation and engagement in this year’s digital UAS Conference 2021!

After five workshops & three on-demand training sessions during 2 weeks of virtual networking, the UAS Conference 2021 has ended. We had wonderful and inspiring discussions!

Thanks to the digital format over 200 researchers, PhD students and sustainability experts from 162 different institutions and universities and 49 (!) countries registered for our event. 

It was a pleasure to host so many sustainability experts in our virtual conference setting and we are looking forward to continuing the UAS Conference in a digital/hybrid format next year.

We are happy to announce that the recordings of the workshops of the UAS Conference 2021 are now available on the digital conference platform. Feel free to review the workshops, share your insights and interact with your fellow conference participants from all over the world. We are looking forward to an inspiring exchange and discussions with you. The platform will remain open for another month.

If you still do not have access to the conference platform and would like to join, you find the links and details below. In case of any questions or problems, please contact us at uas@fu-berlin.de.

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