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How to find a psychotherapist in Berlin

What is psychotherapy and how does it work?

Psychotherapy offers a protected space in which you have the opportunity to examine your current life situation in dialogue with the therapist. Together, you might be able to find patterns that influence your symptoms and your general well-being. Most therapists offer regular, weekly sessions of 50 minutes each. Generally, anything you discuss with your therapist is confidential by law. There is a good overview about how to access psychotherapy through public health care on the websites of

What psychotherapeutic methods can I choose from – and who pays for it all?

The cost of cognitive-behavioral, psychodynamic, psychoanalytic and systemic psychotherapeutic treatments are covered within statutory health insurance, if your insurer is part of the public health system (“gesetzliche Krankenversicherung”). Each method offers both individual as well as group therapies. A prerequisite for having your treatment covered is that your therapist is a licensed therapist within statutory health insurance (“Kassenzulassung”). If you have private insurance, check your insurance contract or contact your insurer to inquire if and under what conditions they cover the cost of psychotherapy. You can also pay for treatment yourself (approx. 90€/session). You will also find licensed psychotherapists practicing outside the public system who exclusively work with the privately insured or direct payers. Due to the variety of services offered in and around psychotherapy we recommend always checking the providers’ qualification (licensed psychotherapist = “approbierte*r Psychotherapeut*in”; Psychology or medical degree).

There is an overview about different psychotherapeutic methods here as well as in the brochure Paths to Psychotherapy (pdf, p45ff) published by Federal Chamber of Psychotherapists.

Search engines for licensed therapists working with statutory health insurance are offered on the websites of

You can also use the search engine to filter by language, some therapists also offer treatment in languages other than German and English. When calling therapists’ offices, please bear in mind that sometimes the secretary might not be fluent in English. To avoid frustration, it might be helpful to ask a German-speaking friend to assist with making the first appointment.

There is a variety of specialized consultation centers for a range of topics, e.g. eating disorders or anxiety. If you are unsure where to go with your specific set of needs and symptoms, do not hesitate to ask our team in the FU counseling center.

Another option is contacting a training center for psychotherapists. There you will work with psychologists that are therapists in training. Sometimes it can be easier to get an appointment there. Please find a list of training centers in the download section.