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Accessibility and Public Transportation

Reaching Freie Universität Berlin by Bus or Subway

The Freie Universität Berlin campus is easy to reach using public transport with the U3 subway line. The subway stations Dahlem-Dorf, Freie Universität (Thielplatz), and Podbielskiallee are all equipped with accessible elevators. The picture shows the elevator at the Freie Universität subway station.

Elevator at the Freie Universität Berlin subway

Elevator at the Freie Universität Berlin subway
Image Credit: Bernd Wannenmacher

Public Transportation in Berlin

The U3 subway line intersects with the “S-Bahn” commuter rail network at “S+U Bahnhof Heidelberger Platz.” The X83 bus route that goes from the Dahlem-Dorf subway station connects the Dahlem and Lankwitz campuses and stops at “S+U Bahnhof Rathaus Steglitz” (where you can take the S1 and U9 lines).

All buses, subways, and commuter trains in Berlin are fitted with ramps for wheelchair users. Please signal to the driver if you require assistance and always tell them the stop where you would like to get out.

The “Barrier-free through Berlin with the BVG” website provides information about the accessibility of the bus, commuter train, and subway network for people with mobility issues and wheelchair users. We also recommend the BVG route planner and the Broken Lifts website, which provides an overview of the elevators that are currently out of order.

BVG, Abt. Öffentlichkeitsarbeit (BVG’s Press Office)
Potsdamer Str. 188, 10783 Berlin
Tel.: (+49) 030 256-24635, Fax: (+49) 030 256-24687

Exemption from the Semester Ticket Fee

Students who have a red and green identification card indicating that they have a severe disability (and hold an additional pass for free public transportation) can receive an exemption from the semester ticket fee. Please consult the Semester Ticket Office of AStA (General Students’ Committee at Freie Universität Berlin) for further assistance.

Transportation Assistance

People who are unable to use the BVG’s public transportation system due to the severity of their disability are entitled to use the Berliner SonderFahrDienst (SFD) for trips taken in their free time. Unfortunately, it is not possible to use this special service for traveling to traineeships, university, or work. The costs for trips to the university using a taxi or a transportation service for people with disabilities, as well as the costs accrued in procuring a driver’s license or a car adapted for people with disabilities, must therefore be submitted to the respective office responsible for measures promoting the integration of disabled people. Such requests should be directed toward the Office for Social Affairs within the framework of vehicle assistance (KFZ-hilfe) and are considered measures to promote individuals’ integration and participation in society in accordance with Book IX of the German Social Code (SGB IX).

You can find further information on funding options here:

Berlin’s State Office for Health and Social Affairs (Landesamt für Gesundheit und Soziales, LAGeSo) – Social Services Administration Office (Versorgungsamt)
Albrecht-Achilles-Straße 62-65, 10709 Berlin
Tel.: (+49) 030 9012-6433/ -8989/ -8988
Email: infoservice@lageso.berlin.de

Special Transportation Service for People with Disabilities Run by the State of Berlin:              SFD-Berlin (SonderFahrDienst) für Menschen mit Behinderung im Auftrag des Landes Berlin
c/o Wirtschaftsgenossenschaft der Berliner Taxifahrer (WBT) eG
Tel.: (+49) 030 2610 2300, Fax: (+49) 030 2610 2399
Genthiner Str. 36, 10785 Berlin