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About us

Freie Universität Berlin campus with the #YESWECAMPUS slogan in large freestanding letters.

Freie Universität Berlin campus with the #YESWECAMPUS slogan in large freestanding letters.
Image Credit: privat

We are dedicated to ensuring that every student at Freie Universität Berlin has access to equal opportunities and gets the chance to participate in university life. Our responsibilities include offering comprehensive counseling and support services and contributing to a range of different diversity projects in order to make this a reality. You will find information about our current projects, working groups, and program of events below.

What We Want to Achieve

Goals of our office

Goals of our office
Image Credit: Cedis FU Berlin

By cooperating with the Representative for Students with Disabilities and Chronic Illnesses (Professor Olaf Muthorst) we want to make student life accessible for all students who have a disability or chronic illness at Freie Universität Berlin.

Our Goals

  • Dismantling barriers: We are dedicated to guaranteeing that all areas of the university are as accessible as possible.
  • Supporting participation: We want to help students with disabilities and chronic illnesses gain equal opportunities by establishing fair study conditions, which in turn supports them in actively participating in university life and getting the most out of their education.
  • Promoting inclusion: We provide assistance to students with disabilities and chronic illnesses so that they can conduct their studies as independently and autonomously as possible.


A student sitting in the reading corner of the library on campus

A student sitting in the reading corner of the library on campus
Image Credit: Bernd Wannenmacher

Further Training Measures for Student Records and Registration Office Employees

Next session: Nov 28, 2024

Please register via the Center for Continuing Education. Other people who are interested in the topic are welcome to join.

About the Counselor

the counseler Anja Ahrens

the counseler Anja Ahrens
Image Credit: Bernd Wannenmacher

My name is Anja Ahrens and I work here as a counselor

I studied psychology at the Freie Universität Berlin. Following on from this, I worked in the field of vocational rehabilitation for a long time where I supported people with disabilities and chronic illnesses to reintegrate into the labor market.

Therefore, my particular focus lies on preparing students with disabilities well for their start in working life. In addition to my job, I have completed further trainings in systemic coaching and as a mediator and trainer. In my consultations, it is important to me to take on a client-centered and solution-oriented approach.

I look forward to working on making the university more inclusive and nurturing equal opportunities for students.

Diversity Projects

Für Selbstbestimmung und ein respektvolles Miteinander

We at Freie Universität Berlin see it as our duty to respect and promote diversity. The Diversity Mission Statement published in 2013 is the cornerstone of our university-wide diversity strategy. You can find all information you need on different diversity-related topics and points of contact on our diversity website.

In an interview with campus.leben, executive vice president Verena Blechinger-Talcott outlined the core idea behind the diversity strategy: “We want to establish a teaching, study, and work environment that is accessible and where our members do not have to worry about discrimination as well as strengthen invaluable cooperative relationships and guarantee equal opportunities by reducing structural barriers.” You can read the full interview here (in German).

Anja Ahrens, an advisor at our office, and Professor Olaf Muthorst, the Representative for Students with Disabilities and Chronic Illnesses, are members of the Diversity Plenum. This allows us to advocate for measures to improve accessibility at Freie Universität Berlin within the framework of the ongoing Diversity Audit process (2021–2023). The most important goals and projects to promote diversity at Freie Universität Berlin are laid out in the Diversity Strategy and Action Plan. You can find an overview of the planned measures relating to disabilities, chronic illnesses, and health issues here.

We were also involved in the “Teaching and Education in 2030” strategy process. We participated in the “Diversity” working group and contributed to numerous measures related to equal opportunities, especially those for students at Freie Universität Berlin who have disabilities and chronic illnesses. You can learn more about the results of the strategy process in the “Teaching and Education in 2030” project report.

We are also involved in the working group of the Healthy Campus project to promote health and well-being among our students. According to the findings of the most recent Health Report undertaken at Freie Universität Berlin there was a significant increase in the number of students who suffered from depression (up from twenty-five percent in January 2019 to thirty-five percent in January 2021).

We support the “Nein heißt Nein” campaign. If you have experienced or witnessed sexualized harassment, discrimination, or violence, or you need more information about this issue, then you should reach out and seek support from a professional or institution specialized in this area. You can get confidential support from the university’s counseling services during their walk-in office hours. You can find further information on (anti-discrimination) counseling options at Freie Universität Berlin or external services here.