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Video contest „Substainability at Freie Universität“

And the winners are: Award ceremony on the 4th of December

News from Nov 30, 2017

Bees or paper cups, self-commitment or the responsibility of big institutions - many different approaches were used by the participants of this year’s video contest, hosted by the Freie Universität Berlin and the Ernst-Reuter-Gesellschaft in cooperation with the Yorck-Cinema group.  The filmmakers presented their perception of sustainability under the motto “Sustainability at Freie Universität”. The submissions were versatile, funny and thought provoking, and show how sustainable campus life is possible. The jury nominated not only three, but four videos, for the final vote by the audience. 

  1. Relativity, Fabian Franke
  2. B.E.C.H.E.R.“, Ante Bußmann
  3. UniGardening“, Tom Dragheim
  4. Nachhaltigkeit an der FU Berlin“, Daniel Sivizaca Conde

 The award ceremony will take place on the 4th of December, within the framework of the Ernst-Reuter-Tag, in the Henry-Ford-Bau of Freie Universitaet Berlin. All four winner videos will be played on a big screen.


All videos of the contest are available on YouTube.