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Sustainability Campus Days at Freie Universität Berlin

Challenge it! 10 days of Sustainable Living!

News from May 14, 2018

Looking for a new challenge? Try a truly sustainable lifestyle for 10 days. Participate in 1 out of 3 sustainability challenges and keep us posted on your experiences via Instagram and Facebook!

The annual University Days for Sustainability and Climate Protection, coordinated by the initiative SUSTAIN IT! are just around the corner. From June 18-22 the foyer of Rost- und Silberlaube at Freie Universität will be turn into an open space to discuss and exchange ideas on sustainability. This year, SUSTAIN IT! volunteers want to challenge YOU! – the initiative is looking for motivated participants who are keen to try out 1 out of 3 sustainability challenges for 10 days and to share their experiences, success stories, struggles and feelings online.

Are you up for a new experience? Maybe one of these three challenges is the right one for you:


  1. Plastic fasting: How difficult is it to completely let go of plastic in your day to day life? Try to ban plastic from your world for 10 days. No more plastic bags, containers, coffee to go etc. and let us know how hard it really is.
  2. Tasting Berlin – Eating seasonal and local: Would you like to find out more about sustainable food consumption? Challenge yourself for 10 days to only eat local and seasonal food in Berlin and Brandenburg and share your experiences and discoveries on how sustainably the cafeterias and coffee shops at Freie University Berlin handle these topics.
  3. Do it yourself – A new way of consumption: Is less consumption feasible? How much consumption can you do without within 10 days? Which alternatives to consumption exist? Discover sharing projects and DIY opportunities in your district and campus and share your experiences on the FU's Instagram channel.

Sounds good? Then get in touch with SUSTAIN IT! until May 11 and become part of our team spreading awareness on alternative lifestyles. Here is how it works: Send us an email with a picture of yourself and tell us why you’d like to participate. We are also going to need your phone number and a link to your Instagram profile (if you have one). The challenge will take place June 6-15 and you can share your experiences with us via the FU KANAL INSTA TAKEOVER June 11-15. Everyone else is welcome to share their experiences and thoughts on social media, using the hashtag #challengeit2018.

On June 18, we invite all participants to discuss their experiences during the challenge. Join us: sustain-it@fu-berlin.de! Participants will receive an award and a little surprise for their efforts!

The Campus Days will take place in the foyer of the Silberlaube at Otto-von Simson Straße 26, 15195 Berlin, Lecture Hall 1b.

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