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Food fermentation for independent eating

A workshop in the Botanical Garden teaches how to treat food to make it long-lastingly edible.

News from Aug 29, 2018

In former times, everybody knew how to treat food to make it long-lasting. To us today, this knowledge doesn’t seem to be necessary anymore, because every product can be easily bought in the supermarket nearby at any time of the year. But while consuming only fresh food, we miss out on something: Food that has been fermented with the help of micro-organisms – one of the oldest cultural techniques in humanity – is often better to be digested and healthier in general.

Every culture has developed its own specialties. Whether it is sauerkraut or kimchi, yoghurt, cheese, bread, alcoholic beverages or tea – most people regularly consume fermented products offered by the food industry. But the latest trend is grandma’s special knowledge.

In the Science Café at Botanischer Garten theory and praxis are being taught at the same time. In a workshop on 8th of September 2018 you can learn how to ferment vegetables on your own. Also, there will be the chance to discuss with experts, whether fermented food can transform our lives in a sustainable way, making our lifestyle healthier and more independent.

The participant number is limited to 30 persons. So please register via a.humm@bgbm.org until the 7th of September. Participants are kindly asked to bring a knife for vegetables, a small board and a glass with screw top.

Time and Place:

8th of September

Botanischer Garten Berlin,
Entrance at Königin-Luise-Platz

The Science Café is part of the EU project BigPicnic, dealing with food safety. You may also be interested in other Science Cafés all over the City:

Bees and Biodiversity in the Town and in the country
Science Café with Workshops, suitable for families
1st of September, 2-6 pm
Museumsdorf Düppel
Please register via info@dueppel.de or a.humm@bgbm.org


Vegetables again. Self-cultivated vegetables in the city
22nd of September, 3 -4.30 pm
Geschäftsstelle des Bezirksverbands der Gartenfreunde Pankow

You can find even more Science Cafés on the website of the Botanical Garden.

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